Your Land, Your Choice

Solutions tailored to your land.

Expert advice on opportunities & obligations for your land.

What do you want to achieve?

Identify opportunities and create future direction for your land. Whether you're looking for consultancy, help with applications or advice, we have it covered. Our mission is to offer governance that supports and maintains profitable enterprises while encouraging and protecting the environmental integrity of both our ecosystem and the social wellbeing of our communities.

Don't be stumped or confused, we create solutions tailored to your land and goals.

See our services for more about what we do as well as helpful information.

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Our Services


Every situation and client and site is specific, its your land, your choice, so how can we help?

Interactive Presentations / Workshops

This could be held at your place or on a property that has specific questions or in the boardroom. We can provide advice in an informal way.

Site Visits, Assessments and Forward Plans

One on one site visit to discuss your property and answer specific questions.  We can also provide carbon and ETS assessments.

Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS)

The primary aim of the ETS is to encourage environmentally sustainable behaviour and achieve our commitment to reducing emissions.

1 Billion Trees (1BT) Programme Administration

If you have received funding through the 1BT Programme we can help with milestone payments and potential ETS opportunities.

Indigenous Reversion

Recent forestry figures indicate that there is 0.7million hectares of post-1989 forest land in NZ, and 54% of this is not in the ETS - are you missing out on an opportunity?

Our Mission

We talk to you, work out what you are looking for, and then develop a plan/solution that heads in that direction.

It’s not always about the bottom line, so individual client preferences play a large part in the final solution and species, recommended, costed and ultimately adopted.


We advise around land-use in respect to opportunities and obligations around vegetation.  Forestry is not all about Radiata Pine (although it definitely has its place) its about protecting and getting the best out of the land, and trees have been playing a part in this for generations, long before terms like climate change and the ETS came into being.

Our passion is around explaining and helping landowners navigate the issues with Climate Change and the Emissions Trading Scheme.  We believe there are huge opportunities presenting themselves, however there are also some serious implications if you don’t understand the obligations involved.